
ESO beneficiaries of the CERN Pension Fund and social security accounts may, if they wish, remain covered by the ESO Cigna healthcare agreement. A condition for this is that there shall be no break in coverage between leaving the organisation and the start of the pension. This possibility is offered because it is sometimes difficult or impossible to be reintegrated into a national healthcare scheme after retirement from ESO. 

Details of the benefits of the Cigna scheme are to be found on the Cigna website

Electronic medical claims

Cigna offers the possibility of submitting medical claims electronically. To do this you will need to scan your medical bills at home. Again, details are to be found on the Cigna website. In case you need some assistance please feel free to contact Rein Warmels.

If you have any problems in understanding the benefits or with your medical claims, you should first try to clarify this with Cigna directly (contact details on their website) or, failing that, with the ESO Human Resources Department.

Health Working Group

ESO has established a Health Working Group to oversee the working of the healthcare scheme and to make recommendations for improvement. In 2012, ESO agreed that there would be a representative of the pensioners on this working group. Currenly, the representative of the ESO pensioners is Martin Cullum. If you experience problems with the healthcare scheme that neither Cigna nor ESO Human Resources Department were able to solve satisfactorily, please contact Martin Cullum who, if necessary, can discuss it at the Health Working Group.