Welcome the ESO Pensioners Web

This website has been created to keep ESO pensioners up to date with news and events that affect them. It is intended to complement the GAC-EPA website hosted at CERN with ESO news from both Germany and Chile.

The website also provides access to important documents relating to healthcare, for example, that have only been accessible in the past on the ESO intranet and therefore inaccessible to most pensioners.  Because some of these documents are considered by ESO to be semi-confidential, certain areas of this website are password protected. This makes it easier for us to put documents at your disposal without endless discussion with the ESO administration for each additional document. If you have difficulty in accessing these pages or have forgotten the password, please send a request to the editors.

We would be happy to receive any contributions, articles, photos or links that might be generally interesting to ESO pensioners. If you have any such contributions, please send them to the editors.

Save the Date for the HQ Open House Day on 3 October 2024



GAC-EPA representative: Erik Allaert
Health Care - Cigna: Martin Cullum
Web Content: Erik Allaert / Rein Warmels
Web Technical Editor: Rein Warmels

Quick Links

GAC-EPA home page
GAC-EPA Bulletins (6-monthly)

Latest News

16 July 2024 - Update of Retirees Email List

The Retirees Email Addresses listing has been updated with the latest information.

19 June 2024 - ISA Summer Party on 28 June 

As already announced by Erik Allaert in the email from June 2, the ISA summer party at the HQ will take place on Friday 28 June, starting at 16:30. Tickets for ESO pensioners cost 20 €/person. There is no online ticket sales - contact Nelma Silva (phone 3006286 - E.4.05) or Mylène Francois (phone 3006350 - B.2.20) for tickets.

12 June 2024 - Some News from the Webmaster

Due to more strict IT security measures in response to a cyber security incident roughtly a month ago,  it is currently slightly difficult to update this news page without being at ESO physically. News will therefore reach you via email until regular connection (VPN) and Web authoring tools become available again.

In the mean time, the Office for Science is still working on making the Astronomy for non-Astronomers (AfnA) talks available. The work is slightly delayed but I still hope that we have the talks available by the end of the month. 

8 May 2024 - Problem with Newcomers Registration Form solved

The problem with the Newcomers Registration form is solved. After registration you should see the confirmation page and you should receive an email with the registration details. In case you don't received the confirmation email please contact the ESO GAC-EPA representative.

22 April 2024 - Update of Retirees Email List

The Retirees Email Addresses listing has been updated with the latest information.

15 April 2024 - Problem with Newcomers Registration Form

It appears that the Newcomers Registration form is not properly working. Despite correctly displaying the confirmation page after submitting the registration details are not forwarded. The problem is being investigated und will hopefully be resolved soon. 

23 February 2024 - Update of Retirees Email List

The Retirees Email Addresses listing has been updated with the latest information.

06 Februrary 2024 - ESO Pensioners New Year's gathering

The photos of the New Year's gathering on 6 February in restaurant "Via Roma" are now available. A big thanks to the photographers for their contributions. 

28 January 2024 - ESO Pensioners New Year's get-together on 6 Febrary

The most popular date for our New Year's get-together is Tuesday 6 February. The reservation is in the meantime confirmed, i.e. we will have our get-together on Tuesday 6 February 2024, at 15:00 in the Pizzeria Via Roma, Parkring 4, Garching-Hochbrück

As before, this annual meeting is sponsored for ESO Retirees by the GAC-EPA. And partners are also welcome.
We hope to see as many of you as possible in 10 days from now!

Kind regards -

23 January 2024 - International Staff Association, General Assembly

The ISA will hold a General Assembly on Tuesday 30 January at 10:00 CLST/14:00 CET. Please find below the agenda for our next General Assembly. To particate online please use the link provided on the Documents and Presentations page.

  • CERN Pension Fund
  • Cigna health care
  • STAC summary:
    • Research Period for faculty astronomers
    • ESO values Rewards & Recognition scheme
  • Summary of the 'step freeze' and 'delta advancement' situations
  • ISC Priorities for 2024:
    • Up-coming regular review
    • Gender pay gap
    • Work exchange scheme & Part time wor
  • ISA finances
  • Social activities

18 January 2024 - Amendments to the Rules and Regulations of the CERN Pension Fund effective 1 February 2024 and 1 July 2024

Please note that in December 2023, the CERN Council approved amendments to the Pension Fund Rules and Regulations that come into effect on the following dates:

  • 1 February 2024: purchase of added periods of membership (Rules Article II 1.02, Regulations Chapter III)
  • 1 July 2024: anticipated retirement (Rules Article II 2.05)

These amendments are considered technical changes. The CEO of the Pension Fund, Mr Doug Heron, will provide an online presentation of the amendments on 26th January 2024 at 14h Garching / 10h Chile. Please use the link provided on the Documents and Presentations page (restricted access).

Please note that the presentation will be recorded and made available after the meeting. For technical reasons the participation is limited to 300 attendees. Those who may not be able to join, will therefore be able to watch the video afterwards.

The updated Rules and Regulations will be available shortly on the Pension Fund’s website: https://pensionfund.cern.ch/en

18 January 2024: Save the Date - HQ Open House Day on 3 October 2024 - Update

From Susana Almagro

Dear ESO Pensioners,

This year the Open House Day, a campus-wide public outreach event, will take place on Thursday, 3 October 2024. This is the first open house event organised on the Garching Forschungscampus since the pandemic. The last event took place in 2018 and 5200 visitors seized the opportunity to explore ESO and enjoy the numerous activities provided by ESO staff.

As in previous years, ESO is planning to open the ESO Supernova and our headquarters to the public on 3 October 2024. Like at previous open house events, we are hoping to organise a range of fun and informative activities for visitors of all ages. For this we will need volunteers to support the Department of Communication and the ESO Supernova team during the event.

A call for activity proposals and for volunteers is planned to be issued in February, but for the time being those interested in participating are kindly asked to mark 3 October 2024 in their calendars. Note that 3 October is a public holiday in Germany. 

With best regards,

Open House Day Coordinator

04 January 2024 – Viewgraphs for the ESO General Assembly 11 December 2023

The viewgraphs of the latest ESO General Assembly on 11 December 2023 have been added to the Documentation page.

04 January 2024 - Update of Retirees Email List

The Retirees Email Addresses listing has been updated with the latest information.

01 December 2023 - Update of Retirees Email List

The Retirees Email Addresses listing has been updated with the latest information.

01 December 2023 - Health insurance certificate for the Deutsche Rentenversicherung

If you receive pension from the Deutsche Rentenversicherung, you will be asked to fill out a certificate regarding your health insurance during pension. If your spouse receive pension from the Deutsche Rentenversicherung, the same will apply to them. You can find the Form R0821 in the Documents and Presentations page (restricted access).

28 November 2023 -  CERN Pension Fund Meeting 

The viewgraphs of the CERN Pension Fund Annual Information Meeting on 28 November 2023 (see previous News item) are now available on the Documents and Presentations page (restricted access).

21 November 2023 - Slides Cigna Presention on 24 October

The slides of the Cigna presention at ESO on 24 October are now available and can be found in the Documentation and Presentation page.

08 October 2023 -– Cigna Presentation at ESO Garching on 24 October 2023

From HR - Nathalie Kastelyn (with minor modifications)

We are pleased to inform you that Cigna will give a presentation at ESO Garching on 24 October 2023. For more details please see this document (restricted access) available in the Document and Presentation page. For those of you who wish to attend online, please use the link on the Documents and Presentions page