Welcome the ESO Pensioners Web

This website has been created to keep ESO pensioners up to date with news and events that affect them. It is intended to complement the GAC-EPA website hosted at CERN with ESO news from both Germany and Chile.

The website also provides access to important documents relating to healthcare, for example, that have only been accessible in the past on the ESO intranet and therefore inaccessible to most pensioners.  Because some of these documents are considered by ESO to be semi-confidential, certain areas of this website are password protected. This makes it easier for us to put documents at your disposal without endless discussion with the ESO administration for each additional document. If you have difficulty in accessing these pages or have forgotten the password, please send a request to the editors.

We would be happy to receive any contributions, articles, photos or links that might be generally interesting to ESO pensioners. If you have any such contributions, please send them to the editors.



GAC-EPA representative: Erik Allaert
Health Care - Cigna: Martin Cullum
Web Content: Erik Allaert / Rein Warmels
Web Technical Editor: Rein Warmels

Quick Links

GAC-EPA home page
GAC-EPA Bulletins (6-monthly)

Latest News

22 December 2024 - Viewgraphs for the ESO General Assembly 12 Dec 2024

The viewgraphs of the latest ESO General Assembly on 12 Dec 2024 have been added to the Documentation page.

21  December 2024 - Update of Retirees Email List

The Retirees Email Addresses listing has been updated with the latest information.

04 December 2024 -  CERN Pension Fund Meeting

The viewgraphs of the CERN Pension Fund Annual Information Meeting on 20 November 2024 (see previous News item d.d. 22 October 2024) are now available on the Documents and Presentations page, which also includes a link to the meeting recordings (restricted access). 

08 November 2024: Invitation to the ESO Garching Year-End-Party 2024

From Nathalie Kasteleyn - Human Resources.

On behalf of ESO you are delighted to invite you to register for this year’s Garching Year-End party, which will take place on Saturday 7 December 2024 from 19:00 at the Hilton Munich Airport hotel. You may also be accompanied by a guest (please note that any guests must be at least 18 years old).
Dress code: formal attire is appreciated.

To register please use this sign-up page. Further details can be found in the email sent out by Nathalie on 7 November.  If you have any questions about the party, please send an email to year-end-party[at]eso.org.

08 November 2024 – CERN Pension Fund Annual Information Meeting will be on 20 November 2024

As announced recently, the CERN Pension Fund Annual Information Meeting at ESO will be held on 20 November at 15:00 CET / 11:00 CLST. The meeting will take place in the HQ Telescopium Auditorium with video links to Vitacura, Paranal, and La Silla

Enikő Patkós, the Social Security Policy Manager, will introduce the meeting, after which the Chair of the Pension Fund Governing Board, Florin-Dorian Buzatu, and the Pension Fund CEO, Doug Heron, will provide an update of the Fund. They will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Two members of the CERN Pension Fund Benefits Service, Emilie Clerc and Pilar Herguedas Muñoz will be available as well to answer your questions. Staff members, fellows and retirees in Garching who would like to discuss any individual cases are invited to arrange a one-to-one meeting with Emilie or Pilar by contacting Nathalie Kastelyn in Human Resources for an appointment. Appointments (15-minutes slots) are available between 9:30 and 12:30. 

To follow this meeting on-line please find the link on the Documents and Presentation page (restricted access). 

02 November 2024: Subscription to latest news from ESO

The Head of the ESO Department of Communication pointed us to the "latest news from ESO" that is publicly available and to which also pensioners can subscribe individually. If you're interested in this, please submit your e-mail address via the URL https://www.eso.org/public/outreach/newsletters/#2. Note that you can obtain this newsletter in the language of any of ESO's member states. This public newsletter is distributed roughly once per month.

22 October 2024 – CERN Pension Fund Annual Information Meeting will be on 20 November 2024

Please be informed that the CERN Pension Fund Annual Information Meeting at ESO will be held on 20 November at 15:00 CET. The link to follow this meeting on-line will be published as soon as it becomes available.

1 October 2024 - Astronomy for Non-Astronomers recordings are now available

The "Astronomy for Non-Astronomers" talks series, organised by the Office for Science Garching, is primarely aimed at non-astronomers within ESO, although astronomers are of course welcome to attend, especially as speakers. The talks are typically held on Thursdays at 12:00 in the Eridanus Auditorium in Garching, with the option to join remotely. It is a pleasure to announce that the recordings of these talks are made available by the Office for Science (OfS) to registered ESO pensioners.

For registered ESO Pensioners: To give you access your email address has been forwarded to the OfS and you should have received an invitation to view the Sharepoint Folder with the abstracts of the talks and the links to the recordings. No further action from your side is needed. In case you don't want to access the AfNA talks recordings please send an email to Rein Warmels. In that case your email address will be removed from the AfNA email list.

For "new" ESO Pensioners: In the Pensioners' Mailing List Registration form you have to tick the box "I want access to the AfN talks recordings". After the registration you will receive an email from the OfS with an invitation to the Sharepoint Folder with the abstracts of the talks and the links to the recordings.

1 October 2024 - Announcement of the next GA of the ISA on 24th October 2024

From the President of the International Staff Committee

Please note that the next General Assembly of the International Staff Association will take place on the 24th October at 10am Chile and 3pm Germany. The GA will be held in Urania in Chile, Telescopium in Garching and also online (The Teams link are available on the Documents and Presentation page).

Here is the draft agenda for the GA:

  • Proposed draft updates to ISA statutes and circulars
  • CERN pension fund updates
  • CIGNA health care updates
  • STAC topics in 2024
  • Internal Justice review survey results
  • LPO commuting memo
  • ISA finances
  • Social activities

Joe Anderson, president of the International Staff Committee,

On behalf of the ISCC: Gianni Marconi, Florian Rodler, Robert de Rosa
and the ISCE: Paolo La Penna, Elsa Calmette, Henri Bonnet, Matthias Seidel

16 September 2024 – Astronomy for Non-Astronomers

From the responses to our questionnnaire in March it was clear that there is a broad interest in having access to the recordings of the Astronomy for Non-Astronomers talks (AfNA) that are given in Garching regularly. Consequently, we have approached the Office for Science (Garching) if it would be possible to make the recordings of the talks also available to the ESO pensioners. The answer was positive and steps were taken to make this happen. For various reasons this small project suffered some delay. However, the good news is that the list of recordings is now available and the process for accessing these recordings is put in place. 

In the coming days you will receive an email with the link to a (shared) document that will given the list of talks, the abstracts, as well as the link to the each of the recordings.
Please note that the recording are intended for ESO Internal Use only.  In case of problems accessing the recordings, please send an email to Rein Warmels.